I hope you all are doing well. I have encountered a rather frustrating issue, and I need your help to solve it. I've been working on a project in Aximmetry, and I've recently cooked my levels for the Composer. Now I'm facing a problem I haven't experienced ever before - I am unable to open any of my cooked levels in the Aximmetry Composer, the Composer gives me no Informations about this what so ever.
Here's a brief overview of the steps I took:
- I created and designed my levels in the Aximmetry DE software.
- I cooked the levels using the standard cooking process (Aximmetry > Cook for Windows) with no apparent issues during the process.
- After the cooking process was complete, I opened the Aximmetry Composer and the Composition, but it does not work.
1. If you switch in Live sync mode does it work?
2. Try restarting your pc (sometimes it just locks and it will not work)
3. After a crash, sometime whatever I do the compound seems locked, So I create a new one from scratch.
Hope that helps.