FAQ: Why there are two circle watermarks(left and right) in the AXIMMETRY?


1、Import C4D ASSET TO UE5.

2、Reopen uproject in UE5 for AXIMMETRY,  cook and output.

3、Why there are two circle watermarks(left and right) in the AXIMMETRY?


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the only "watermark" is the aximmetry logo on the bottom right. what you are seeing is the touch interface controls. this can be disabled in your unreal engines project settings.

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Thank U. Emm, I think so. But where?
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@liaobs: For future projects, I also recommend starting with a non-game template to avoid having to deal with game specific things like this. A very simple one comes Aximmetry UE5 editor, but the Arch Viz templates in the main UE5 installation are also very useful.