Hey all,
Looking for some insight on switching GPUs. The 4090 boasts a significant advantage over a 3090 card, but I'm noticing pretty insignificant changes on my CPU/GPU utilization. Seeing mostly the same numbers on the GPU side.
- i9-11900KF@3.5Ghz hz
- 128 GB DDR4
- Unreal Version 5.1 with latest Aximmetry Version
- 1300W Gold EVGA Power supply (not hitting 80% utilization)
- Project run in 1080p60fps
- Single SDI Camera in @ 1080p60fps
Seeing GPU utilization numbers 47-50% on BOTH the Nvidia 3090 and 4090.
Curious if anyone has any insight on this?
At 1080p, the performance is mostly CPU bound. The GPU shouldn’t have any effect on CPU usage, so it’s not surprising that that doesn’t change at all. Set Aximmetry to render in 4K and you should see a bigger difference. Even if your final output is 1080p, you will get much better image quality by rendering in 4K internally.