How to import models to Unreal Editor for Aximmetry using DataSmith?


You can use DataSmith plugins to import models into Unreal Editor for Aximmitery.

To do that:

- enable DataSmith plugins in Unreal Editor for Aximmitery

- restart

- import your modell

- save all

- (optional) edit your scene or import new models

- disable Blast plugin and all other plugins those are prompted

- restart

- cook

Please note that the Datasmith C4D Importer plugin currently doesn't work. (You can enable it, it will just not show any C4D file) We are investigating the issue.

(However you can still import objects from C4D using Datasmith exporter directly in C4D and using the generic Datasmith importer in Unreal Editor)


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datasmith plugin not make me make material for virtual screen 

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ahmed ahmed
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gre antonov

i have same problem too .. still need answer this question

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@gre antonov: What question do you need answered? There is no unanswered question in this thread…

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You can import C4D scene using standard UE 4.26.1 editor enabling C4D datasmith importer plugin. Save the project and open it with Unreal for Aximmetry 2021.2. It will keep the c4d import. Atleast it works for me. It looks like C4D importer plugin in unreal for aximmetry doesnt recognize c4d files when the plugin is enabled. FBX importer works fine too so u can use that instead
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i have the same problem. unreal aximmetry dosent show up c4d datasmith files
