Performance Framerate problem Locked to 30FPS


Hi, we are running into a weird issue Where our Scene is running at 120 FPS in Unreal Engine Editor, but when we run in aximmetry is Kind of locked to 30fps, Tried on Different Pc's and we get even better performance on Gaming laptop but In workstations we have the issue.

1- This is from my personal Laptop

I7 11800 - 2.3GHZ with RTX 3070

2- This is in another Laptop 

I9 With RTX 3070 Ti

3- This is on the Weakest the oldest workstation

XeonE5v2678 v3 - 12 - 24 / 2.3 with RTX 3090

4 - Main Workstation 

 HPZ4 Gen4 Xeon W-2235 - 3.80 - and RTXA6000

5- Another Workstation (same Locked to 30)

Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900KF CPU @ 3.70GHz

Thanks in Advance

   MOONCAKE Visuals

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Aximmetry is made for virtual production, eg TV framerates, which are usually 25 fps or 30 fps.

You can change the default frame rate (eg 25 fps or whatever you want) in the preferences, but it will also sync to your output video card framerate if you check it at the start of the program.

If you already changed that and you can't reach your fps target, it's a problem of resources then.

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I do not think there is any FPS locking going on here.
If you go to Edit-> Preferences-> Rendering and select fps as unlimited, that should be as high as the hardware allows.

Also, as he points out, weaker machines give much better performance on the same project. So it is not a matter of resources. 
More resources yield worse results. This is his problem.

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This is just a guess from outside, but :

1) He didn't say if he changed the preferences, and 30 fps cap seems like a default value.

2) Trying to run aximmetry at 60 or 120 fps means running the chromakey (which is quite taxing) and everything else (exports, conversions etc...) at that framerate too, because aximmetry and unreal are exchanging data all the time.

3) Even mismatched framerates between inputs and project (eg cameras at 30 fps and project at 25 fps or vice versa) can create bottlenecks (one must wait for the other to finish to update etc...).

4) Are the same sources plugged to the same project as well? It can make a big difference is there's an input or not.

5) Xeons and Quadro cards are not gaming oriented, while Unreal is a game engine. So it's not that surprising to have better performance on a modern gaming laptop than on an older workstation, all things equal.

6) Even simply changing the network adapter (ethernet to wifi) can create a chain of messaging errors in unreal, killing the performance in aximmetry (disable UDP messaging plugin in UE for instance fixed it for me on a project), so it's hard to judge apples to apples between two different machines.

Lots of things can happen.
