I need to load a *.uproject of a virtual set into "Unreal for Aximmetry", I face an issue indicating that I miss some files in the Common Library
"Could not find camera assets in Aximmetry Projects folder...."
I installed Aximmetry DE v2.2 with Unreal for Aximmetry 2.2 and all packages (Inventory, Common, Common Studio, and others) are installed as well of the same version
Can someone help me how to solve the issue, I'm not able to launch the virtual set
Probably your Projects root folders setting doesn’t match your actual place of Common Library.
The Project root folders setting is used to locate the folder Common_Studio\Unreal_Assets in Unreal for Aximmetry.
It should match like this:

And please make sure this folder is the first entry here if you specified multiple Project root folders.
I hope it helps.
Best regards