1st way of stopping the playlist.
Connect the Ended trigger to the stop trigger. Works fine.
2nd way of stopping the playlist.
a) Create a copy trigger
b) As before, connect the ended pin to the copy trigger and the trigger's output to the ended pin.
With just ONE connection from the copy trigger to ENDED, it works fine
c) Now connect a second cable from the copy trigger compound to any input trigger you want ( I connect it to a send trigger for OSC out). Try again. Now the Playlist will not stop (playing state is always playing).
Of course, connecting both cables to the ended pin works fine, but copy trigger should also work. Shouldn't it?
I am guessing you have a setup similar to this in the 2nd way:
And you have Loop turned on in the Playlist:
What you are experiencing is not a bug, but a change in execution priority: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/scripting-in-aximmetry/flow-editor/module/#module-execution
When you connect the Playlist to an output (OSC Out), then the order of execution changes. And the Ended trigger will reach the Playlist Stop pin in the same frame instead of reaching it in the next frame.
You can fix this by increasing Playlist's execution order with a Force Execution module with high Priority:
Or just turn off Playlist's Looping pin:
Warmest regards,