is there any way for the background (my unreal aximmetry environment) to blur based on the tracker that represents the talent's location?
trying to get some type of dynamic focus without using a lens encoder
I'm using a tracked camera
in the picture i am holding a tracker and that is also positioning the billboard but it would be really cool to have the background blur as the first tracker (the camera) goes close to the second tracker (the one I'm holding)
We actually did this with our team. Are you using SE or DE version of Aximmetry ?
In our case, we used the DE version and did the logic on UE with blueprints.
In case you're using the DE version, here's how we proceeded :
- Send to UE your tracked camera position and whatever you're tracking with the other tracker (in our case we sent the tracked billboard position)
- Retrieve these datas using Aximmetry built-in methods (example : Get Aximmetry Vector) in the tracked camera blueprint you added using Unreal Engine Aximmetry camera , name them properly to identify the nodes when you'll plug the pins in Axy
- Use "Distance (Vector)" method to output a float value of the distance of the two tracked elements
- Apply the result to "Tick" method in the "Focus distance in Meters" pin like so :
Experiment with some additionnal logic, like putting a default value when the requierements are not met, adding more control values to adjust by hand in Aximmetry the focus value, lots of cool stuff can be done and we got some pretty intresting results.
Wishing you good luck !