Hi there.
Since Axy offers remote (headless) rendering, I was wondering if there's any chance to run Axy headless on a local machine.
Basically some command line switch that would tell Axy to
- start without *any* control interface
- load a specific xcomp
- sit there 'hidden' and render away happily ever after.
(or until manually restarted... .-))
For our workflow this would be extremely cool :-)
Cheers & all the best.
Hi Eric,
We don't have such a switch.
The closest you can do is to start the composer with these switches: ...filename.xcomp /pilot /quiet
Where filename.xcomp opens the xcomp file.
/pilot starts Composer without the Flow Editor
And, /quiet starts the Composer without the splash screen and skips the Startup Configuration window:
Like this shortcut does:
If this doesn't fully satisfy you, we can add headless rendering to our request list.
Warmest regards,