Gliding environment after calibration (Vive MARS)


Hello everyone,

We're working with Aximmetry for a few days now and we have trouble getting the tracking just right. 

After trying several things found in the forum (multiple calibration to compare the values, different base station positions, mount the tracker on the camera differently, ...) we cannot achieve perfect tracking. Everytime there's a little gliding from the 3D enviroment.

We had some promising results but still, we want the tracking to be the best possible. Is there any tips or things to be more precise with ?

Our Aximmetry version is Broadcast DE (trial mode) with the camera calibrator shipped with this version, our tracking system is a Vive MARS, with two base stations located in a way that we always have the best angles on our tracker while calibrating. 

Here is an example of one of our calibration with the gliding : (Since then we achieved better results but never perfect tracking)

Thank you a lot for those who will take their time to help us !


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This could be entirely the result of no tracking delay being set: 

You should check for gliding while looking at the floor. It is easier to notice gliding on the floor and determine its reason.

Warmest regards,
