For example: 1. video output - whole studio 2. video output - Two people 3. video output - Detail of person.
We cant figured out how to do it. How to make 3 different angles/outputs in one project and if its possible to do it without more computers with Aximmetry.
Thank you for answer.
Unreal will only be able to render one virtual camera angle per computer. As it is only possible to run a maximum of one Unreal Engine per computer.
The maximum you can do is to preview the keyed out billboards in Tricaster. Like what you see in the Matrix view:

For this to work with the Tricaster, you will need to edit a little bit the camera compound, if you want I can show you how.
In the case scenes rendered by Aximmetry. You can have more than one virtual camera angle.You can observe this again in the Matrix view, for example using the [Studio]:News Room\News Room - VirtualCam_3-Cam.xcomp example scene:
However, we also recommend using multiple computers for this case. As this would mean rendering about 3 times more than otherwise and it is a significant drain on your computer's resources. If your scene has so little load on your hardware that you can do this, we suggest rendering at a higher resolution instead of having more camera angles.
And for the multiple camera angles to work with the Tricaster and scenes rendered by Aximmetry, you will need to edit a little bit the camera compound, if you want I can show you how.
Warmest regards,