Data visualization bars


Hi developers!

Is there any way to get the visualization bars you have in your scene example and import to my own project? 

Also, is there any way to customize those bars or import custom geometry from unreal to create charts, graphs, etc..? 

Thank you!!


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ahmed ahmed

Aximmetry Have number of  visualization bars example projects that users can find it in the following path


[Tutorials]\Lower Thirds

Also You can Use the following tools to create new Data Viz bars


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Thank you very much !!

But... where should I plug the nodes?  

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In the case of using Unreal you cannot directly use the elements Ahmed listed.

You can add custom geometry to your Unreal scene and control them for Aximmetry.
For that you have to know how to control the releavant property of the geometry (for e.g. the height of the bar) from within the Unreal Blueprint.
If you have that you can make this property appear as an input pin in Aximmetry.
On this please read the Passing data from Aximmetry to Unreal section of 

The data itself can be obtained in several ways in Aximmetry. The simplest way is using XML or JSON files.
On handling these data structures please see
The obtained data then can be used to control your geometry.
A (non-Unreal) example can be found in the tutorial scene
[Tutorials]:Lower Thirds\Data_Visualization_3D_Bar.xcomp
It is using a JSON file to control some bars  (implemented in Aximmery's own engine).

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As stated in the earlier comments we have visualization examples and tools to create your own.

And that you can feed data from many sources.

Adding the visualization elements to an Aximmetry scene is like any other 3d elements, you can read about this here:  

We have made some improvements(from version 2021.3.0) so that Aximmetry 3d elements can be added to unreal scenes as well.

Here is how to do it:

Keep in mind that in both cases you may have to make some modifications to the example scene to fit better to your own scene.
