Intel Realsense t265 as Camera Tracker Accuracy.? Review Pls


Dear Community,

I am considering to buy a T-265 for good Camera Tracking purpose. I just want to plug and play it. I don't intend to purchase a Retracker software at an extra cost. 

So the question is: Are there anyone using it just like me and do you suggest me to go ahead with your experience in the scenario above..

I have Vive Tracker but not happy with the calibration accuracy or alike. So as long as T-265 will be a more robust tracking solution I wish to upgrade.

Thank you.


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I had also tried vanilla Intel T265 long time ago, Retracker was eventually purchased to make them usable. They were not much more stable than Vive. And while they might stay without jitter a bit better, they would lose accuracy when moving around. Retrackers software helped handle some of that, so it was a better experience, but imo, its either buy that, or spend time writing software to get the best out of the Intels. Also they stopped producing them, so support might not exist with them. If you can find a cheap one to give it a shot, no harm, but sadly, robust tracking is normally equated with a higher entry price. Its a shame, will at some point get better. Bliss is good too, but its more than Retracker, is better though. Mars is very good, but its alot more, and then it keeps increasing in stability and cost..

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Intel RealSense t265 is indeed discontinued since a year ago. Best low cost option is ReTracker Bliss (which uses much better tracking hardware), especially since it just got a lower price. 
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Dear Steki and Twenty studios thank you for writing me back. I have one additional real life experience question. My Current tracker is VIVE CONTROLLER and it is firmly fixed on to my camera rig.. Is it going to get me any better if I switch to a Vive Puck.? instead of the controller.? I'd appreciate if you can answer this too..

Thank you.. 

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Haven’t tested difference with accuracy myself, but others have said that the puck is actually less accurate than the puck, due to the layout of the sensors. 

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Dear Steki and Twenty Studios,

I just purchased a t-265. Can you please help me to Set this up with UNREAL ENGINE. I don't ask for support with Aximmetry. I want the device run in UE 5.1 Can you please help me remotely.? There is one tutorial and Git repository video on youtube but it lacks many important steps there.. :-( Would you be so kind to offer such help please.. This is very anticipated by thousands of people already..

Best Regards.

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@Sinemaya: This forum is specifically for support of Aximmetry and not a general Unreal forum. The T265 is discontinued since long ago and I highly doubt thousands of people are anticipating anything regarding it. Most people gave up on it because the inaccurate tracking and when Intel stoped selling them we all moved on to Vive Mars or ReTracker Bliss. I’m not familiar with the Git repository, but it’s likely it’s not updated for Unreal 5.1 support and I don’t have the skills to update the code. Your best bet is to try to find other t265 + Unreal users and ask them if they can help you. 

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Thank you @TwentyStudios.

I appreciate your detailed reply. I am aware that this is a forum With Aximmetry %99 and at the same time see no harm asking help from those who might have experience on similar task in the past.

Maybe sometime later someone else will search the same and find a solution. This is the existence reason of Forums for me.

Saying this I also want to express that, I was contacted by the Repository Creator I asked above right after I sent a public post on another forum, and he is going to support step by step and I will share the results about it. Anyone should ever stumble on something similar pls know that you can ping me. I am more than happy to help.

Cos although people start to switch to different alternatives slowly, many are are "still" way over the "Indie Budget Scale". Anyhow I really thank you for trying your best to support us always.

Long Live Aximmetry. :-) Have a great day.

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I have used the t265 directly with Aximmetry, the t265 is really good value for money. Here is a behind-the-scenes video of how I use T265 tracking.

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Dear Admin and users of t-265..

Can you please tell me exactly how you Calibrated the Aximmetry as the "center" "forward" and "right" coordinates calibration. I recently switched from HTC vive conrtoller as of tracker and now I use t-265. Do I need to calibrate the studio floor forward and right.? If yes how? Again I have to use the base stations and the vive tracker for that sake.? or As I have t-265 I can simply remove HTC from my studio.?

Thank You

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@Sinemaya: Since there is no “world pose” on the t265, the world “zero” will be whatever position the sensor is at when you start it up. This is one of the serious limitations with this solution, which is  one of the reywhy I advise against using the t265 in any type of serious production. 
