Does this tutorial need updating for UE5? "Setting Up a Virtual Screen in the Unreal Scene"


(Disclaimer, I am an incredibly novice user)

I'm trying to follow this guide from the learning portal:

The workflow in summary:

1. Create a Material (AXMAT), and set a TextureSampleParameter2D (TVINPUT) as the Base Color. 

2. At Event BeginPlay Create Dynamic Material INstance AXMAT and set it to the Material of the TV Screens.

3. At Event Tick Get Aximmetry Video and Set Texture Parameter Value for "TVINPUT". Blueprint is saved and compiled.

4. Connect Video Input to "TVINPUT" node in Compound

This is supposed to be the magical part where the video input appears in the material. Unlike the tutorial, the default material (the gray circles) appear in the map instead of black like in the tutorial, and nothing changes when a video signal is fed to that node. Attached logs:

>> Opening document UE424-NEWS10.xcomp

Loading Unreal project UE424-NEWS10.uproject

[LogScript] Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_CreateDynamicMaterialInstance_ReturnValue

STUDIO3_C /Game/STUDIO3.STUDIO3:PersistentLevel.STUDIO3_C_1

Function /Game/STUDIO3.STUDIO3_C:ExecuteUbergraph_STUDIO3:006C

[LogScript] Script call stack:

Function /Game/STUDIO3.STUDIO3_C:ReceiveTick

Function /Game/STUDIO3.STUDIO3_C:ExecuteUbergraph_STUDIO3

[LogScript] Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_CreateDynamicMaterialInstance_ReturnValue

STUDIO3_C /Game/STUDIO3.STUDIO3:PersistentLevel.STUDIO3_C_1

Function /Game/STUDIO3.STUDIO3_C:ExecuteUbergraph_STUDIO3:006C

Too many messages. Some messages will be ignored.

   Daniel von Seckendorff

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Hi Daniel,

From a quick look, you are missing a connection here:

Of course, there could be other issues. If it is still not working after correcting it, please reply with the new error message if there is any.

Warmest regards,

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Daniel von Seckendorff

Thanks Eifert! I'll be back in the office tomorrow to confirm if this worked, but that lines up with what it looks like I missed in the video. 
