Missing Forum entries


Hello, I cannot find some newer forum entriesany any more. You answered (very detailed) my question regarding the focus manipulation of the camera in Aximmetry. Also the entry about the different render quality in Unreal and Aximmetry is gone. Could you please re-upload those entries?


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They have some trouble with their servers. Maybe it is affecting the forum as well? 

I’m particularly interested in those two topics as well. Have you also experienced a rendering quality difference in Unreal and Aximmetry? Could you check if you also see the difference in the Aximmetry UE Editor vs. the stock UE4 4.24? I think the TAA is  somewhat broken in the Aximmetry UE4 build.

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Dear Aximmetry-Team: Could you please re-post those forum entries? I plan to upgrade to the broadcast-version this week, but wanted to try out the focus control in Aximmetry first. You posted a very detailed tutorial how to set up the blueprint in Unreal.

@TwentyStudios: Yes, I noticed a difference as well. But I think it's because I didn't set up the Unreal rendering correctly. When I acitvate "Game View" in the viewport, it looks close in Aximmetry. 

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