?I‘m sorry,but where is Enable Edit mode by choosing an output in the Edit / Edit Scene On menu
I can't contrl the transform, Do you have video tutorial
Thanks for the detailed description.
The unit of Unreal (cm) and the unit of Aximmetry (m) is different.
We will make this conversion automatic in the next version, but for now please insert a convert unit between the Scene Node and the RADIO node.
It is called Transformation Coord System. Please set the Unit to 100.
Also: In your BluePrint you used Event BeginPlay. In this situation you have to use Event Tick, because it has to happen in every frame.
Unfortunately no tutorial video for it yet, but we are planning to make one in the near future.
If you are asking for basic aximmetry 3d scene editing you can watch the follwoing videos
And for unreal projects you can watch this video