Is there any way to get the Apple Live Link VCAM data into Aximmetry?



Is there any way to get the Apple Live Link VCAM data? for example, can I get that through livelink in UE and attach back to Aximmetry Camera? Or directly get the data into Aximmetry?



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Are you referring to this app with "Apple Live Link VCAM"?: 

If you only want to use the camera image of the phone and no tracking, then you might want to use another app that can send the camera image through NDI to Aximmetry. Like NewTek NDI's own app. Note NDI needs a Professional or Broadcasting license in Aximmetry.
Or you could use Set Aximmetry Video node in an Unreal blueprint to send the Apple Live Link camera image to Aximmetry. However, you won't be able to send the tracking from Unreal to Aximmetry.

If you really want to use the "tracking" of the phone, then you might be able to find an app that sends it as OSC data. Or make your own app with Unreal that sends the phone's tracking as OSC. Then Aximmetry can receive OSC and you can parse that in Aximmetry as a transformation...
However, in general, the phone will get you very unreliable and inaccurate tracking compared to any professional equipment.

Warmest regards,
