The following excerpt does not return any data when using the Data subcollection node with the Data key:
<Cell ss:StyleID="s77"><ss:Data ss:Type="String" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"><Font html:Color="#000000">Au village et même au-delà, tout le monde se souvient de la tragédie survenue§le 1</Font><Sup><Font html:Color="#000000">er</Font></Sup><Font html:Color="#000000"> décembre 1981, jour de la fête nationale yougoslave…</Font></ss:Data></Cell>Is there a workaround?
Hi Eric,
It should return data. I had no problem with it other than being weirdly formatted:
Don't forget to give the right Keys.
We have a new documentation on Collections here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/tutorials/for-content-creators/collection-for-databases/
Warmest regards,