Layer based compositing of Lower thirds and tickers CG elements


How we can merge for example the following elements news ticker,clock,logs and breaking news and lower thirds in same output with the ability to activate/deactivate any element with exit animation

   ahmed ahmed

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For enter / exit animations we recommend using the InOut_Sequencer.xcomp utility.
It's a normal sequencer, but contains a marker that designates the end of the enter animation and the start of the exit animation. When you turn its Active property ON the animation plays from the beginning and halts at the marker. If you switch it OFF the animation continues to play until the end.

For e.g. if you want control the opacity and the horizontal position of an element you can do something like this:

If you open the sequencer in the Sequence Editor  (for e.g. by double-clicking the module), you can edit the enter and the exit phases of your animation:

The marker "1 Out" designated the separator.

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ahmed ahmed

What about showing number of elements in same time as shown in the following picture

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You can use as may sequencers and as many text field as you want and you can chain them through Placer Precise modules as I've described at the bottom in

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ahmed ahmed

Thank you for your help but can you share a sample example file that contains all of these ideas and look similar to the screenshot of cnn channel cg?

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Please download and install these packages  (simply double-click them):

One adds general lower-third elements to [Common_Studio] to make building easier.
The other adds a complex example similar to your picture into [Studio]:Lower Thirds.

It is based on the orthographic camera approach, not the Placer Precise.

The weather line has not been implemented yet, since it would be more complex. We'll add it later.

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ahmed ahmed

Thank You Very Much For These Tools and examples.

but can we use Rss text for the CRAWL Compound instead of single text file,

also can we add alogo between news items in the CRAWL  Compound

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RSS: it's an XML, so theoretically you could use it.....  But there are two problems currently:
- XML module cannot tell the number of items
- if the file contains links, it seems that the presence of slashes causes a reading error
We'll address these problems as we can.


Yes, you can use an image as a separator.
In Crawl_Text use the Item Symbol property to specify an image file.


Make sure that the image has a suitable size.
Depending on the image size you may have to adjust its position:

Then replace Item Prefix with as many spaces as suitable to leave space for the image:

Note that each changes of the above will only be seen at the starting of the next text item.

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ahmed ahmed

thank you for these xpak file , its explaining a lot of things but i have the following questions:

1-Do these  lower-third elements support Right to lift language like Arabic?

2-How about continuous animations of elements for example headline element if we need when the headline shown on screen have an continuous animation in its background like lens flare that move over the edge of headline rectangle or other animations  ?

3-how about transforming elements for example single line headline to lower third with 2 lines

like for the example   the animation on this video

from 00.07 to 00:12

thank you again for your awesome feedback

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1 - Needed a fix to enable that. Please install:
Now you can use the Right To Left option on the Text Format:


At the same time if you used any horizontal Text Offset on the LThird_Text you must negate it:


Regarding the Text_Crawl, you have a Left To Right option on it, turn it on to get a reversed crawl direction.

2 - Add an LThird_Video and attach it to the same parent Scene Node where the headline is attached. Specify a lens flare texture for its Video property. Then you can apply a separate sequencer on the new element that moves it back and forth.

3 - The single line headline and the two-line headline must be three separate LThird_Text modules,  but masked by the same mask rectangle.  Then you can create a transition animation that slides off one of them while slides in the other.
(The example I gave you use OnOff sequencers,  but you can get rid of them and use a simple Sequencer with several markers to do transitions between several states as we discussed in .

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ahmed ahmed

i think that in aximmetry 2019.3 release you didint add the xpak that have support for right to left languages like Arabic.

So can you add these files in aximmetry setup files?

Also Are  there any Video Tutorials about this topic ? 

it will make things easier to understand by users and it can help explaining how to work with these nodes.


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ahmed ahmed

Also in last released version of aximmetry didn't come which directory list node or any updates about working with rss data

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All the examples we discussed here are in the release.
Please also check Common Library for install when you're installing the software update.

You can specify Right-To-Left in the Text Format you attach to the LThird_Text module.

The folder listing can be performed by the Find Files module.

RSS is a standard XML file, and you can handle it as a Collection in Aximmetry, like any other XML  (the latest update added some fixes regarding that).
