Problem: No tracking with Ross Dolly Furio


We are trying to use tracking data from Ross Furio setup, we simply want to move the camera along our rails. so we used a seperate camera to feed the video to our AJA 1.

We are geeting red warning "CameraTracking: Free-D: 10244 / Camera 0: No input".

I've found multiple places to select our "Tracking Device":

As for Config, I think I set it up correctly:

At this moment, no matter how we move the Furio (with Furio Joystick and SmartShell), it wouldn't move in Aximmetry.


Profile Image

I have found the tracking issue with mu port.

Profile Image


Do I understand correctly that you found the solution for receiving the tracking data in Aximmetry?

This is the source of the tracking data for the camera's position in the virtual world:

This is used when you want to add additional VR movements in a Tracked camera. If you set it to Trk, you can add 2 tracked camera movements together to control one camera in the virtual space. It is rare that someone would use this feature:

You could for example use this with a game controller (joystick) to add virtual camera movements over the tracked camera's movement.
More on it here: 

This tracking is used to track the talent's billboard:

To use this, you would put a tracking device on your talent or actor instead of putting the tracking device on the camera.
More on it here:

Warmest regards,
