How to gracefully restart Axy?


Hi there.

I'm looking for a way to automatically restart Axy.
Currently I'm using a batch file like

@echo off
taskkill /F /IM Aximmetry.Composer.exe
start "" "D:\Program Files\Aximmetry DE UE5\bin\Aximmetry.Composer.exe" /quick "D:\Projects\myCurrentComp.xcomp"

Taskkill is brute force though, so I was wondering if there maybe is some sort of command
that kills Axy a bit more gracefully... :-)

Cheers & all the best.



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Hi Eric,

You can use the /watch command line switch to launch Aximmetry Composer, then make additional adjustments at Preferences / Watchdog.

Basically, Watchdog will automatically restart Aximmetry in case of a crash or frozen process. You can also manually control it with the following shortcuts (even if Aximmetry runs in the background):

Warmest regards,

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Hi Matt.

Quite brilliant and much more graceful than the taskkill method!

But is there a way to send a keypress (like Ctrl + NumPad 0) from within Axy?
Lua scripts can't send keystrokes out of the box but would probably need some FFI part in there.

It would be great if there was a tool in the Windows Section of compounds that would allow to send keystrokes.

Cheers & all the best.


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One way to get this working is to use an AutoHotkey Script, which sends Ctrl-Numpad0 and can be triggered from within Axy.

One more question though....
Since Ctrl-Numpad0 is a keystroke that might be pressed by chance during normal operation,
is there any way to assign a different keystroke to Watchdog? (Like 'Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Esc' e.g., which is much less likely to get triggered accidentally)?



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Hi Eric,

You can turn off Watch Dog shortcuts in the Preferences to prevent accidentally triggering it:

However, there is no way currently to change the shortcuts.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eric,

You no longer need to make a bat file, the Restart module has been added to the latest version of Aximmetry (2023.1.0):
Added Restart Application module to allow restarting Aximmetry via any trigger with running the same or any other compound.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert.

That's great news!
Thanks for adding this option!
(And if one day that magic 1-second audio offset after 6 hours disappears.... :-) )

Cheers & all the best.

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The 1-second audio offset after 6 hours is fixed in the latest version of Aximmetry (2023.2.0).

To learn more about all the changes and improvements included in this version of Aximmetry, please visit the following link:

Warmest regards,
