we bought a standalone calibrator camera and found it didn't have the correction features that Basic Calibrator has. how can i get basic calibrator other than upgrade to broadcast.

Our license is Professional

Thank you in advance

(like in this picture, is it only for broadcast license, while the camera calibrator is not equipped?)


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The Basic Camera Calibrator is included with every version, so I think you mean the Advanced Camera Calibrator? You can buy that as a separate license for all versions of Aximmetry. Look in the Webshop.

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The Basic Camera Calibrator is only included in the Broadcast version.

Note, that the calibration files are stored in XML format. You can open these files with text editor programs (Notepad) and edit them to your liking.
If you can tell me what kind of corrections you want to make, maybe I can find a way to make them in Aximmetry Composer.

Warmest regards,
