Hi Nicu,
Probably that error or other errors in Unreal caused the increased hardware drain.
Are you using Aja cards in Unreal? The LogAjaMedia error seems to be related to Aja's plugin in Unreal. Aximmetry can handle Aja cards and Aximmetry can pass video coming from Aja card to Unreal. So if you do so, you can probably disable to Aja plugin in Unreal.
The camera jerking is most likely because of the increased hardware drain.
Warmest regards,
Hello ...Eifert Thanks for the answer! A little late :))
I solved a big part of the problem! It seems that the RectLights were responsible for the performance problems, I deleted some of them and now the video card behaves much better! I just don't understand one thing: on my PC RTX 3060TI GPU reaches 100% on another PC with RTX 3090 GPU reaches the same performance! How is that possible? Normally, it should be much better on the RTX 3090, being a much more powerful video card, right?
Isn't it a bug after all, what should be fixed?
Hi Nicu,
There are several reasons why there can be performance differences between computers.
First, make sure both computers have the same Rendering settings in Preferences:
Note, if you have a video output set to sync, then the Frame Rate setting might get overwritten. For testing purposes, it is best if you don't have any video output set in the Video Outputs menu and you don't even have any preview windows or preview panels open.
Warmest regards,
Can someone help me here please?