Change focus


Hi, I bought some indiemarks that I use linked to vive mars. I would like to control zoom and focus. The zoom is ok for lens calibration etc, but how about the focus?

From the camera calibrator I see that it works because if I change focus the value changes, but how can I connect it in aximmetry to unreal? What I want to do is change the focus between subject and background in unreal using the encoder connected to the lens.


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I have the same problem and make some small modifications on Tracked|Cam_Unreal_prev_3-Cam_3_Billbord 
1. Go flow and right click on  Tracked|Cam_Unreal_prev_3-Cam_3_Billbord and click on Edit Compound in Place. 
2. Find INPUT %1 and do the same like p.1

3. Find Line %N and double click on it

4. Find Tracking Camera module and disconnect line from Focus Distance to left wall -> Focus 
Insert new module Unlerp (make A =0 and B=100 ) - I use this to convert data from mm to meters come from LoNet server.
Connected from Tracking Camera module but from pin - Focus sensor to ... insert new Copy Scalar ... and connected   to Focus on right  panel 
Check on picture 

And now your Focus indiemarks encoder shod be work like on UE Live Link data from Lonet server 

All the best 

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Thank you for the reply. I did your workflow but not work properly correct. Seems like the value of A and B in Unlerp are incorrect. If i change that the focus change but without a logic. Why? Thanks

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Unlerp  I use to convert milimeters to meters. You can skip this step. Check with hold control key what exacly you resive from the focus encoder  
