So I'm currently using the Glassmark II Encoders in Aximmetry and I've found that I can't do a few things. I'm using the Lonet2 servers.
1.) Whenever I'm using the Zoom feature, It zooms correctly but the delay is very noticeable. However, when I try to adjust the "zoom delay" settings nothing changes. The Zoom Device is set to Lonet2: UDPport+MulticastGrip / Camera 1. I'm not sure why its not adding a delay.
2.) Adjusting the Focus downright doesn't work at all. The only way I can manually add focus is by enabling "Manual Lens" which means I can't zoom during capture.
If a solution exists for the Lonet2 servers, I haven't been able to find it online. Nor does the documentation found here:
Thank you!
Hi Grassfire,
Do you need to set a positive delay value? If you trying to set negative, you probably need to set the in-and-out latency to higher values. More on that here:
For the focus to work with Lonet2, you need to do the focus calibration using the Basic Calibrator: Note, even if you did lens calibration with the Camera Calibrator, you can use the same file and add a focus calibration to it with the Basic Calibrator.
Warmest regards,Otherwise, you can use the Focus Sensor pin to use Lonet focus data without Aximmetry calibration, as some of the users shown here: