ue5 beta output log:
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.36ms
BlueprintLog: New page: Aximmetry Blueprint Validation
LogMonitoredProcess: Running Serialized UAT: [ cmd.exe /c ""E:/ue5aximmetry/UnrealEngine/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/RunUAT.bat" BuildCookRun -nop4 -utf8output -nocompileeditor -skipbuildeditor -cook -platform=Win64 -iterate -skipstage -installed -project="D:/my documents/Documents/Unreal Projects/beit_new/beit_new.uproject" -unrealexe="E:\ue5aximmetry\UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe" -ddc=InstalledDerivedDataBackendGraph" ]
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): Running AutomationTool...
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): 'dotnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): operable program or batch file.
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): BUILD FAILED
Since I installed this version of UNRAL I have not been able to cook my projects to use them in AXIMMETRY
If there is any solution I would love to know about it
Hi David,
This was probably related to the .NET Desktop Runtime issue, however for others this only appeared when importing cooked project into Aximmetry. To fix this, you need to install .NET Desktop Runtime from here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/3.1
However, this is fixed in the latest Aximmetry release (2022.5.0): https://aximmetry.com/learn/software-version-history/#%E2%96%BA-latest-2022-5-0
So using the none beta latest Aximmetry version should fix this issue.
Warmest regards,