Is it possitble to change the video frame rate in the comound? like the input video is frame rate is 50i, and I want to change it to 30/50p. And the triky thing is I cant change my input frame rate, pease help.
Is it possitble to change the video frame rate in the comound? like the input video is frame rate is 50i, and I want to change it to 30/50p. And the triky thing is I cant change my input frame rate, pease help.
If you choose a none mapped input, you should be able to choose its Camera Mode:
And in the Camera Mode you can specify the frame rates if you don't choose AUTO:
If you use mapped input, then in the Device Mapper you can set its mode from Auto to custom with your preferred frame rate.
However, the input's frame rate will not change the render frame rate or the output video's frame rate!
For changing the render frame rate, you have to change the Frame rate in Edit->Preferences:
For changing the output video's frame rate, you have to change the mode in Edit->Video Outputs:
Warmest regards,