Hello there.
I have a few questions regarding the graphics when rendering Unreal objects in Aximmetry.
1) What are the supported functionalities that Aximmetry can render through Unreal in AR?
- From the post process volume, i have noticed that the only features that works are: AO, SSR, SSR. Is there a reason they are the only ones or am i missing something?
- It seems that all kinds of atmospheric effects (such as fog and light shafts) are not supported in AR. Is that correct?
-Finally, when rendering a simple AR object in Aximmetry, it final appearance is very different to the one comes out directly from Unreal. I Attach an image to demonstrate.
Preview 1 - Aximmetry
Preview 2 - Unreal
Thanks in advance.
Just to clarify, preview 2 is the output of the unreal project module, while preview 1 is the output of the AR tracked cam module. There has been no adjustments or color correction made.