Unreal AR graphics and post processing visualization.


Hello there.

I have a few questions regarding the graphics when rendering Unreal objects in Aximmetry.

1) What are the supported functionalities that Aximmetry can render through Unreal in AR? 

 - From the post process volume, i have noticed that the only features that works are: AO, SSR, SSR. Is there a reason they are the only ones or am i missing something?

- It seems that all kinds of atmospheric effects (such as fog and light shafts) are not supported in AR. Is that correct?

-Finally, when rendering a simple AR object in Aximmetry, it final appearance is very different to the one comes out directly from Unreal. I Attach an image to demonstrate.

Preview 1 - Aximmetry

Preview 2 - Unreal

Thanks in advance.

   Blackfish Studio

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Blackfish Studio

Just to clarify, preview 2 is the output of the unreal project module, while preview 1 is the output of the AR tracked cam module. There has been no adjustments or color correction made.

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These functionalities are not applied when using an AR camera:

This is because tone mapping is done in Aximmetry in the case of an AR camera. And the tone mapping is done in Aximmetry to have a better composite of the reflections, shadows, background, and virtual graphics.
You can access some similar functionalities in the Glares panel:

The tone mapping is also the reason why you see a different kind of image coming out from the Unreal compound.
When the Aximmetry compound is in the sRGB pipeline, Aximmetry will show everything in the preview with sRGB gamma. However, since the AR Camera in Unreal grabs the rendered image before the tone mapping, it is in linear and it will be converted into the right gamma curve inside the AR camera compound after Aximmetry's tone mapping.
You can change your compound to a Linear pipeline, and you will see the correct gamma curve. However, this image will be still without tone mapping. You can switch pipelines in File->Properties->Rendering:

Warmest regards,
