Support stype and vive trackers


Hi, I need to know if stYpe Red Spy or Vive are supported for camera tracking.

Also is It possible to track graphics with stype beacon followers like this:

or alternatively with simpler vive trackers?

Last question if it was possible to track virtual object, what license I need to use?


   Matteo Marcato

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ahmed ahmed

I Think that aximmetry support stYpe and  Vive Systems. 

For tracking you need to buy aximmetry Broadcast license for more info about aximmetry edition 

For tracking you can find more info in ONLINE DOCUMENTATION webpage 

and maybe this file can help you

Maybe aximmetry provide more info about this topic

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We support Stype as a camera tracking device and Stype Following (Beacon), which is an object tracking device, therefore it is possible to do in Aximmetry something similar to what you have linked in the video.

You can track physical items for example with Stype Following (Beacon) or Vive.

We support HTC Vive as a (game) controller / object tracking device.

Vive can be used as a camera tracking device, but it is only experimental with no support at this time.

Bear in mind that Vive tracking is available to use with every version of Aximmetry, even in Aximmetry Community, whereas (as Ahmed mentioned above) Stype can only be used by purchasing Aximmetry Broadcast or Aximmetry On-Air.
