Get this everytime I try to load a Unreal project in Aximmetry?
Anyone know why? Reinstall Unreal?
Get this everytime I try to load a Unreal project in Aximmetry?
Anyone know why? Reinstall Unreal?
Had 2 warnings in log:
LogBlueprint: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Program Files\Aximmetry UE5beta\UnrealEngine\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\VirtualProductionUtilities\Content\VRTools\SequencerTool.uasset: [Compiler] Load Sequence : Usage of 'Load Sequence' has been deprecated. Please replace or remove it.
LogDesktopPlatform: Warning: Unable to read target info for engine
When I cook in Unreal, it only takes 1 second...