SO I just want to key a camera signal live. what should i do? THANK YOU
SO I just want to key a camera signal live. what should i do? THANK YOU
I’m not sure I understand the question? Are you talking about keeping the shadow of the talent when keying? In that case you light the talent to actually cast a shadow of the green screen floor. Then you use the Ckean Plate function in the keyer with the talent out of the frame and adjust the keyer to make sure the shadow isn’t cut out. You want to keep the Low Cut as low a possible and shouldn’t have to touch the Threshold settings at all. This all assumes your green screen is evenly lit.
You can add virtual shadows by making a very simple virtual scene in Aximmetry. Basically a scene with a transparent floor.
For this, you won't need the keying compound described previously here and in the other thread:
We suggest using the [Common_Studio]:Compounds\VirtualCam\VirtualCam_A-B_Preview_3-Cam.xcomp compound. Note, that this compound is extensively documented on Aximmetry's Learn page, for example:
You will need the following other nodes and connections with the VirtualCam_A-B_Preview_3-Cam.xcomp:
Render General node is compound from: [Common_Studio]:Compounds\Render\Render_General.xcomp
Transp_ShadowOnly is a shader from: [Common]:Shaders\Special\Transp_ShadowOnly.xshad
You will need to do the following settings in it:
Rectangle is a module and it needs these settings:
Directional Light is also a module. It will generate the lighting that casts the shadow.
You will need the following settings, where the Rot (rotation) of the Transformation will determine the angle of the shadow. And with the Shadow settings you can fine-tune the shadow's shape:
You can fine-tune the billboard in the Billboard's control board's Billboard panel. Like turning of the AO (ambient occlusion shadow):
Also on the Cameras control board, you can set the camera's position. More on these in the documentation:
The following modules generate the checkboard background behind the billboard so that the shadows are visible to you. Otherwise, the transparent background is black in the preview window of Aximmetry.
After all these, you can set up a virtual shadow and AO for example like this:
In the Directional Light module, the shadow is highly customizable, so you can actually make vastly different shadows if needed.
Note, this is a bit unusual way to use Aximmetry, maybe some other setup, like keying out the talent's shadow would better fit your project's needs.
Warmest regards,
Make sure that it is really the shadow and not the AO (Ambient Occlusion) by turning off the Show AO:
And how do you want to change the shadow? For example, if you only want to change the direction, then change the rotation of the Directional Light:
A screenshot of your shadow could help to figure this out.
Warmest regards,
If you think about it, the video input is only in 2D. It has no information about where the actor is in 3D space in relation to the camera, so how could it cast a shadow from the correct perspective without that information? The actor needs to stand still and you have to align the shadow manually. When using a tracked camera and a real-time rendered 3D scene you could attach a tracker on the talent to track their position in 3D space to automatically project the talent at the correct 3D position, but it’s a quite complicated setup.
To add to what TwentyStudios said,
If your talent is not moving back and forth much, you can align the shadows by adjusting the lift. This is showcased in this video at the 21-minute mark:
Having the video cropped until the feet can also help in this:
Warmest regards,
If keying is all you want to do then start by creating a new compound then right-click and press on Insert Module.
Look for the Video Input Module.
Then on the left, you will find the file browser. On the search panel, type keyer. Drag the Keyer_Advanced_B.xcomp file to your compound.
Wire the input module to the Keyer compound and then wire the Out Pin of the keyer to the right-most of the flow editor. Aximmetry will automatically create an Out pin for you.
Select the Input Module. You will see its parameters in the Pin Values window on the right. Select your Input device and its Mode there.
Then, select the Keyer compound. You can learn how to use it by watching this video.
Check our Wiki page or Youtube channel. All of our documents are available online, which you can use as guidance to help you along your journey with Aximmetry.
Best regards,