I've got my zoom encoder working and everything lines up nicely now we've gone through the calibration process, but I don't see any option to access the focus data from my second encoder.
It's sending out the data via the Viper software on the same channel but I'm unsure how to access it in Aximmetry?
I have a habit of figuring these things out as soon as I post about them...
So it turns out it's the Focus Sensor Data I waned from the camera tracking module...
That I was able to plug in to my focus value to control the focus point in UE. However, it's off by a factor of 100 so a simple divide and you can get accurate focus distances...
Aximmetry doesn't natively control the aperture (It's set to a default F2.8). I find this to be slightly off from what I tend to use in the studio (around T5.6). So you can either set this manually or edit the blueprint to access the camera aperture as a scalar from aximmetry.