I've managed to get everything hooked up and they're recognised in the Viper 1.6 software. I've set my curves and the encoders are being recognised when I zoom and focus.
However I can't seem to get them to show up in Aximmetry or the Lens calibrator.
I'm not exactly sure how to test if aximmetry is picking up the data but they don't seem to do anything with the instructions I've followed on the site.
Here are the settings and network settings in the viper software
And here are the settings I've used to connect the Viper in Aximmetry
Even when everything is set up like this and I select the hardware in either the camera calibrator or the camera tracker compound, I don't seem to be receiving any data.
I manged to get it working. I'm not exactly sure how but it the camera calibrator picked it up shortly after my initial post. I don't have a specific fix unfortunately!