Ultimatte 12



I wanted to make a clean thread about Ultimatte and the potential compatibility with Aximmetry. Via another thread I'm made aware that they've had a massive price drop to $4k which suddenly brings it back to my attention.

I've previously spoken with the Stype people about their GreenKiller product and had that quoted out.

For now I'm of course using the Advanced B Keyer but want to know more about the upcoming Aximmetry keyer that I've read about somewhere as well as any knowledge on using Ultimatte for Key/Fill input into Aximmetry. Does anyone have experience with this sort of workflow ? 


Matt Hermans

Electric Lens Co


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Ultimatte is hardware, so of course it will be compatible with Aximmetry. You do need a capture card with two inputs that can support key/fill from the Ultimatte. A single SDI cable won’t work since SDI can’t carry the alpha channel (not a limitation of Aximmetry). 

We used to have an Ultimatte 12 in our studio, but we sold it when we got Aximmetry. If you’re not getting a good key in Aximmetry you won’t get a good key in Ultimatte. A perfectly set up key in Ultimatte might be slightly better than the Aximmetry keyer (especially at keeping shadow details), but it requires perfectly even green screen  lighting and it takes along time to set up. 
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Thank you for the reply!

I wasn't sure whether Aximmetry did support key/fill so that's good to know.

Also fruitful to know you've compared the keyers and there's favourable results from Axy's Keyer - still keen to know what's planed for the next version of the keyer!

Thanks again!

Matt Hermans

Electric Lens Co

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Hi Renbry,

You can find detailed documentation of Aximmetry's Advanced B Keyer here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/tutorials/for-studio-operators/using-the-advanced-b-keyer/

We are working on extending the clean plate functionality and we asked for some materials for that from some users, you might have heard that as the next version of the keyer. You can read about the clean plate in the above documentation.
Also, Aximmetry is always looking for ways to make the keyer even better and update it from time to time.

Warmest regards,
