How can we made LED wall production with muti render engine?



I want to finish a LED wall production with 2 led walls at the ground, and 2 led walls at the ceiling, how can we split the task into two PC?

And also the digital ext, can I specify which PC to render it? About the Lut measure process, when we finish the step and apply the lut, seems the virtual set color is inverted, what is the exact step to achieve it? Thanks

   O Plus

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O Plus


Any solution for this case? Thanks.

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It depens on your led wall hardware but most likely, you will need a setup like this:

The above 2 sticker modules will mix the 2 renders into one output, you might not need this and you need to send 2 outputs per computer. It depends on how your led walls are handled by their control systems.
And in the Ledwalls control board, you set Led Wall 1 and Led Wall 2 to be rendered by PC 1. And Led Wall 3 and Led Wall4 to be rendered by PC 2:

You can read more about this here:

Currently, only the control machine renders the Digital Ext. But if you want to render it with other computers it is probably a simple edit inside the led wall compound, if wanted I can write down this edit.

For the LUT, follow the documentation very closely:
If you still experience inverse color. You could put the LUT.cube file into Aximmetry, record it as png and share it here, to see if it is correct:

Warmest regards,

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O Plus


May i know nore about the Digital Ext, how can we just render it with another pc, to decrease the loading.

And do i need extra license for the remote render unit?

Thank you so much.

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Note that when you render the Digital Extension on another PC, that PC will have to be connected to your camera's video and that PC will produce the final render.
More on multi-machine setups here:
You probably want to read carefully the whole page before starting any multi-PC setup.

To change which PC renders Digital Extension:
Edit the LEdWall compound, then double click on it to open it:

Inside, find the Led Walls compound and open it:

Inside, find the following modules:

Duplicate the Local Engine module while you keep its incoming connection. You can do this by clicking on the module while pressing down ALT.
Set the new Local Engine 2's B pin to your other PC's remote ID + 1. And connection it to And 2 module:

This will only work if that computer also renders frustum for one of the led walls. Rendering the frustum and the digital extensions happens with the same renderer, so this will not cause a significant extra load on the computer.

If it doesn't render frustum, you will have to set that this IF stays true for that computer:

You can do this by one more duplication of Local Engine module, setting it to your targeted PC's ID+s and adding an extra OR module before the If:

Warmest regards,

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O Plus


Here is the output after the lut file enable, do I need to fill all the LED wall in the camera angle when it calbrating?

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Follow the instruction closely in the documentation:

This is what you should see in Aximmetry:

For example, this is wrong cause the lens distortion the rectangles on the right are off:

Every virtual rectangle should be within their real-world matching rectangles. This should be true for all of the 64 (8x8) rectangles and all of them should be visible.

Warmest regards,

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O Plus


We've done the lens calibration using the new camera calibration tools, seems the position and the distortion is great, but we just notice the VR output is also cropped after the distortion is added to the lens file. How can we fix it?

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The lens distortion is applied to the virtual world as well, this process involves some cropping of the rendered picture. You can expand the edges of the rendered picture using the Edge Expand in the Scene panel to fix this:

Note, that increasing Edge Expand results in rendering more pixels and increased load on your computer, so you should increase it only as much as necessary.

Warmest regards,

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O Plus


I'm using the LED wall xcomp template now, and at the scene node, there had no edge expand the option to change, and it's only in the track cam template available.

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You can find the Edge Expand in the case of Led Walls in the Frustum panel:

Note that there is another reason why you want to set Edge Expand in Led Walls. It is described here:
So you likely want to put a higher Edge Expand in the Led Wall compound than in the tracked camera compound.
Turning on Preserve Resol will preserve resolution and will render extra pixels like in the tracked cameras.

It is not said in the documentation, but Digital Extension also uses this value when it does the cropping of the real world into the virtual world.

Warmest regards,

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O Plus


We're now working the multi machine led production now, using 1 a6000 for the extension, 1 a6000 for the led wall, we had 2 processor of the led, but it running very high gpu loading.

And the lut file calibration, we already follow the tutorial, but seems the lut color still wrong.

And we also had problem of the edge of the output, when the camera move to the edge of the led and the extension, the edge is disappear, how can we fix it, i've tried the edge expand seems not help at all. Thanks



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If you have 2 led walls with two outputs to it, you better try to render those with a multimachine instead of the Digital Extensions to have better performance.

Can you show us the LUT file, or how the picture looks before it is applied and after it is applied?

The Edge Expand is mostly for increasing the border between Frustrum and Fill. You can use the Edge Softness to make the transition between Digital Extension and the led wall more smooth:

It is hard to determine from your screenshot how the edge disappears. Can you show some more images of it?
Also, make sure that the Led Wall is correctly placed in the virtual world:

Warmest regards,

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O Plus


The video link is here

We already do a lens for for the lens, so the distortion should be ok, and also the size and resolution of the wall is right, but some time the edge of the led and the xr will showing something out of the led wall, can we adjust every led wall not only the softness of the edge? 

Can we just add something like the mask, of the edge, and make more buffer of the edge of the led?



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The video you linked looks very strange. It looks like the Digital Extension uses different tracking data or lens data than the Led Wall, or the position of the Led Wall is wrongly set. It has probably nothing to do with edge softness or expand.

Note, all these values have to perfectly match the real world's position, size, and resolution of your Led Wall:

Radius is only used if you have a curved Led Wall.

Next, if you do a video, can you do it with studio view turned on:

This view helps a lot in positioning your Led Wall.

Also, you should try with one computer and without editing the Led Wall Camera compound to see if that fixes it.

Warmest regards,

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O Plus


Thank you for your quick response, we are running this project in multimachine setting, lens file, and the tracking details is already to the main machine, the main machine is handling the extend part, and the remotr machine is handling both led wall, look like the tracking data is right, but even I had the right lens file, the distortion of the lens seems still not right, so i had to adjust the value of the LED wall position to compensate it for the final output.

But when we move the camer to the edge or the led wall just like the video, the edge is so weird, seems the soft edge is not right.



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O Plus


Here is the new video

As you can see the edge between the wall and the extend, is related to the lens file? Can we adjust the edge a little bit lower to avoid this problem?



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Hi Ivan,

The weird thing at the edge you see is an issue within the compound and how the Digital Extension's Edge Softness works. We are working on a fix for this and you can expect it in a future release.

However, if you set up your led wall close to perfect, and so the virtual reality aligns with the real world, then this issue will not appear.
The lens file helps in the alignment, that is the only way it is related to this issue.

I recommend trying to make a precise setup for the Led Wall. Like when you are in the studio view:

The virtual studio should almost perfectly align with the led wall's picture in the input video. Like it is shown here:
Note, even when you move the camera or rotate it, this alignment should stay the same. So If the alignment changes when moving the camera, it means that something is not correctly set.

Warmest regards,

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O Plus


Thanks, for your reply, I'll try to cal the LED wall position and the lens file more precisely, hope it can help with the result, and also hope we can have more detailed adjustment settings in the aximmetry.

One more thing, right now the aximmetry is only supporting up to 4 led walls and 4 remote machines, can it be added more than 4? And what is the largest resolution that can run to the LED wall? can it be up to 4k or 8k with 1 engine to 1 LED wall? If the LED wall is 6000x4000 how do we output it to the processor?

Any recommended LED processor for production? and about the response time, and standard response time for the reference? seems we're using the LED wall that is not fast enough for LEDwall production.

And We're trying to do the LED production with 2 cameras, and however, I tune the camera delay, seems the result is not right, is that about the response time of the Processor also? And we already added 2 cameras and 2 tracking systems to the engine, it only had one scene option to move the scene, so how can I move the position of the second camera? right now we're unable to move it, we only can move the whole scene.

There're so many questions about it, Thank you for your help.



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O Plus


Here is the video about the led wall mapping to the virtual plane,

As you can see we already align the plane, but when it pan and dolly, it seems the edge is not right, i know that is the physical problem, it cant be match 100%, but any way i can fix to get a batter result?



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Hi Ivan,

The led wall compound indeed only supports 4 Led Wall and 4 remote machines. But you can add actually the led wall compound 2 more times to the same project/compound and you can make it run up to 9 remote machines with 9 Led Walls or more. This will mean though that you will have to copy-paste settings all the time from one led wall compound to the other. If you want a ready-made solution for this, you can contact and we can arrange something. Otherwise, I can show you here how to add the compound 2 more times and how to change it to make it work with 8 remote machines.

The resolution to the led wall is dependent on the hardware you have. Like how much resolution your led wall processor can receive on how many connections, what resolution can your capture cards output in your computers, and what resolution can your computer run your project without frame drops.

We don't have any recommended Led walls or processors. And can not really make such recommendations. Maybe you should do a separate post and ask people in this forum in general.

When not using the Digital Extensions, you don't need to set up any delay. The only thing you can do is try to reduce the hardware's delays and Aximmetry's In-to-out Latency:
In the case of Digital Extension, this flow chart might help to understand the delays:

Note, in the video you linked there are no Digital Extension. So first you should try fixing that before trying to set the two delays related to Digital Extension.

If the 2 cameras are being tracked by the same system then you don't need to offset them at all from each other. Otherwise, you can use the ORIGIN panel in the Inputs control board to set the difference between the two tracking systems.

Yes, in the video there is something wrong or inaccurate with the settings inside the Led Wall compound or with the tracking. The patterns should fit/align much more perfectly on the led walls.
It is hard to determine what is going wrong from just that one video. I would suggest first making sure that the tracking is working correctly. Then try setting the Led Wall again with a new project to see if you can get a better result from redoing every setting.

Also, we offer various pieces of training, including Led Wall training. You can ask about it at:

Warmest regard,
