[FeatureRequest] Set Double Pin


Hi there.

The SetPin modules are highly convenient for many use cases.
I'm seriously missing a SetPin module for Double Precision Scalars though.

For example the Loop Start/End pins of the Sequencer Module are DoublePrecision type.
And apparently they don't accept values sent to them by a 'simple' SetScalarPin module.

It would be much appreciated to either
- have a Set DblPrecision Pin module
- add some 'forgiveness' to DblPrecision pins to accept simple scalars as well.

Cheers & all the best.



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Eric Soulard


You can use a Copy Scalar module :

All the best

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Ah! Great Hackaround! ... :-)


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Hmmm... For some reason it's not reflected in the Sequencer Page though...

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Hi Eric,

When using the copy scalar, the sequencer was likely not exposed to an active output. For example like this:

You can use a Force Execution module to make sure the editor always reacts:

Warmest regards,
