Hello community, we recently bought antilatency ceiling tracking. Our results are not what we hoped they would be.
Here is a short demo of the tracking after finishing calibration thru Aximmetry camera calibrator on ver. 2022.3.0
The result from the calibration using Usra Mini Pro 4.6K G2 with Canon CN-18-80 lens seem to be accurate
Here is our Antilatency layout and parameters of our ceiling. Tiles were cut with the help of their drawing so they are accurate.
And this is the alt sensor mounted on camera right above camera sensor with the appropriate offsets.
Camera sits right below the ceiling and sees all the sensors as seen in debug app.
Is there something we are doing wrong or forgetting so that we can improve our tracking?
Thanks for any help.
Hi colleague
Not have experience Antilatency but:
On video you need to make more precision tracking dally - now is shifting
And on the picture : Delta Head Positions (adjustment the tracker from sensor) - you have a lot numbers, not to be like that.
I did before and add manually positions from the floor to the sensor camera and offset to the tracker.
You got only Y offset by 9 cm to the center of camera sensor.
Check again the Basic Camera Calibrations - each step pan camera left and right and check via virtual Pole , need to be match at maximum not to drift .
One more hint - measure the real dastans from the camera sensor to the chare leg. measure and height on real leg. After on virtual Pole make the same distance(like the real one) on Z. Make the virtual Pole height like leg on chare. So now you need to find on your lens when pan left right up down to match on virtual one.
Best Regards