Preview Matrix Renaming for Broadcast DE


Its is possible to rename the labels CAM 1/2, CAM 2/1, and CAM 3/1 to Preview CAM 1 etc.... And put a Program Output label as shown in the photo. 


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Hello Stephen,

Yes, you can do that. We need to navigate to the Line %N compound of each Virtual Camera by following this hierarchy. 

First, right-click the VirtualCam_A-B_Preview3-Cam compound and press on Unlink, then double-click it to get inside of it (or simply hold ALT and double-click it):

Then Navigate to the Input%N=1 for Camera 1 and do the same. After that, go to Line %N and do the same.

Finally, inside Line %N, search for the Monitor %N and select it.

Then, in its pin values, you can modify the Label Text to your liking.

Repeat the same process for Camera 2 and Camera 3.

Quick Tip: You can use Ctrl+F to search for a module by name or you can right-click the wire connecting the Label Text pins and press on Go To Source Module which will get you to the compounds we are looking for faster.

Best regards,
