News Room - TrackedCam_3-Cam.xcomp


I'm testing Setting Up Virtual Sets with Tracked Cameras. I used this example News Room - TrackedCam_3-Cam.xcomp. Connect the camera and the picture is enlarged. How to make the picture of the camera completely displayed on the billboards.

The image on the billboards is cropped:

The picture captured by the camera:


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It depends on the green surface setup in the studio panel:

Also, if you turned on Use Billboards, then the transformation scale of the billboard can also limit it, more on that here: 

Warmest regards,

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Eifert,Thank you for your reply.

The studio frame is all included, but only part of it is displayed on the Billboards。

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I see now that you have the Use Billboards turned on:

Then it is likely that the transformation scale of the billboard limits it:
To know more about how billboards work, read what is written about billboards here:

Also, It seems you are not receiving any camera tracking. You manually positioned the studio to cover the screen. When actually it should be similar to your real-world studio:

If you don't have a camera tracking device, you most likely want to use Virtual cameras instead Tracked cameras. Like it is in News Room - VirtualCam_3-Cam.xcomp.

Warmest regards,
