Since we began using Aximmetry for production more than a year ago, we had a couple persisting issues that we need to fix for production-
1. The tracking delay is very inconsistent- We are currently using two trackers (Anti Latency and also testing REtracker BLISS for a while) and we're encountering this problem with both of them and every other tracker we had in the past. After a few minutes of using the tracker and moving the camera around, the tracking delay value needed to lock down the talent to move with the environment changes completely. Usually we are using them with genlock- set to 25fps and with REtracker BLISS we have also tried to use the tracker in Free Run mode at different tracking fps such as 1000, 500 and 300.
Regardless the tracking delay still goes out of sync.
We have also done a bit of testing- leaving the system with the trackers on for a long time (about a day) without moving the tracker after locking down the tracking delay and it seems that the tracking delay stays locked as it should- The problem occurs only after a few minutes of actively moving the the camera and tracking.
Also from what we've understood when using the trackers directly with Unreal Live Link, this problem doesn't occur.
2. The Studio values changes when re-opening a compound- When setting up our project, we are also setting up the required studio values to get the correct crop that works for us. The next time we are opening the project or another project and copy these values, they don't work the same anymore. The studio rotation changes and the ceiling and such don't match the same as they did when we've set them up when creating the project.
Any help on these matters will be greatly appreciated as it always delays our shooting and leads to some undesired results a lot of the times.
Thanks in advance,
Virtuals.tv Studio
I don’t know what’s going on here, but how are you genlocking Antilatency?