Hi we've just installed DLSS plugin it works fine in Unreal for Axi, but when we try to open cooked project in Aximmetry it does not load it. We get Unreal Fatal error.
We run Aximmetry version 22.1.0
DLSS is Aximmetry compiled version.
Hi we've just installed DLSS plugin it works fine in Unreal for Axi, but when we try to open cooked project in Aximmetry it does not load it. We get Unreal Fatal error.
We run Aximmetry version 22.1.0
DLSS is Aximmetry compiled version.
before installing, you need to remove from UE for Asymmetry and from the original UE4. And after that, install the plugin through the original UE4.
It is very important to delete the "Intermediate" folder from old UE4 projects where you used DLSS. When you open the project, the folder will be overwritten again.
Otherwise, the plugin will not work.
Thanks for directions, but still not working.
[LogDLSS] NGX Application ID not specified, using the Project ID by default.
[LogThreadingWindows] Runnable thread RenderThread 1 crashed.
[LogWindows] === Critical error: ===
[LogWindows] Assertion failed: (GIsCriticalError || !NumMarks) [File:E:\Build2\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Misc/MemStack.h] [Line: 93]
[LogWindows] Crash in runnable thread RenderThread 1
Unreal Engine stopped. Please save and reopen your compound.
This bug has already been fixed here: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/1752-scenes-stopped-loading-using-the-dlss-pl