There isn't any configuable methods to set tracking forward target after 2022.2


Hello, I couldn't find any method for configure tracking forward target to forward tracking data to another Aximmetry PC (not multi-muchine :-) ) after update 2022.2.X

I've modified TrackedCam for now, But I want to know it is expected behavior or just a missing (or bug...?)

This is what I modified:


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Hi Hyperlapse,

Sadly, the connection there is indeed missing. Thank you for reporting it, it helps us greatly!
We will fix it in a future release. And we apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Hyperlapse,

Disregard what I said in my previous comment. It is expected behavior.

The reason why it is missing is that we only envisioned Fwd Aux Targets use when using AR with LED walls:
Note, in the above AR with LED walls case, it is not a multi-machine configuration. You are using two different Aximmetry projects without control and remote machine setup.

In multi-machine use cases, the Camera Tracking module knows your other machine's IPs (Fwd Aux Targets) from the Startup Configuration's Remote Renderers:

Since you are not using it in multi-machine. It might be a better way to do it just by adding a Camera Tracking module outside of your compound and setting that up to forward the tracking. That way, you don't need to edit the Tracked Camera compound.

I am curious about what you use it for. And if you can share what you use it for exactly, it might help us to make Aximmetry a better solution for your case use.

Warmest regards,
