AR compositing question


I have a question about AR compositing :

- i have 2 object with reflection and i need only show object 1 in AR mode but still remain reflection of object 2 with object 1 ?



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Is this happening in Unreal (DE)?
And if I understand correctly, the problem is that even though object A is not shown it is being reflected on object B. If so, how do you hide/turn off object A?

Warmest regards,

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My case for example , i want to show a mirror (object A) in AR mode , i want it to reflect an object (object B) to mirror but i don't want to show it .

Assually in UE, i would choose in static mesh -> rendering  and untick to not see by owner and tick to seen by reflection.

And in Aximmetry AR mode to show AR object in TrackedCam AR compound , i will add "AximmetryAR" tag  to show Object A (mirror) but when it come to Aximmetry, It ignore all reflection from other object such as object B.

Thanks and Best Regards

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Do you want an object that is only visible in the mirror?

I think the seen by reflection option only works with reflection probes and maybe with raytracing. So do you use reflection probes?

We suggest using Planar reflections and Aximmetry has its own Actor for this called Aximmetry_Reflection_Catcher:

Warmest regards,

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Yes, i have tried with AR skylight , Sphere Reflection capture. But i didn't try with Raytracing yet. So i would try it with Raytracing and back to you soon.

Thanks for your support 

