Sequencer with tracked data renders the same image for each frame (with no timecode connected to video recorder)


1) We recorded a track with timecode with the mixed camera compound 3+3
2) Replaced the recorded video clip with a high-res clip recorded in-camera (also timecoded)
3) We setup a sequencer connected to the playback sequence pins
4) We add a video recorder set to EXR
5) We connect the video output to the video recorder
6) We connect the sequencer rendering pin to the video recording pin (so that frames get recorded when rendering)
7) No timecode gets connected and Use Master TC is off for Video Recorder node.

The sequence records all frames, and stops rendering at exactly the end of the clip (which is correct).
However, now Aximmetry always renders the same images and never moves the clip or the tracked camera forward. So we get for example 416 frames with the first image of the sequence (if the clip is 416 frames long)

Expected outcome:

Render each frame of the clip with moving imagery and tracked camera.


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Hi Jim,

It should be working. Can you describe in more detail what other changes have been made in the recorder module or for example in the camera compound?

Also, the Playback Seq pins are only for tracked cameras:

Warmest regards,

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No changes/that’s not what causes it

export/render format is exr

source/clip format is R3D with timecode

Yes as described this is a tracked camera. We recorded and then are playing back with R3D as input / high-res clip. May also happen with other formats

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Do you have a fixed Frame Rate set:

Note that Aximmetry doesn't play R3D files in real-time, it is designed to use for postproduction.

We couldn't recreate this issue with R3D or with other file formats.

Warmest regards,

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Which compound do you have your video recorder connected?

exr 16-bit

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Here is the messages:
Started recording into "220526_TEST_RENDER_2_0006\*.exr"
Stopped recording into "220526_TEST_RENDER_2_0006\*.exr"

Every frame has the same camera perspective, completely ignoring the recorded tracking data.

framerate is set correctly. Here are the settings:

Here are the connections in this scenario (no timecode connected into the node)

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Found something out: this seems to have to do with the timecode not being correct when opening the project (see this issue here:

Timecode master is set to Track 4, however Aximmetry does not use that timecode from Track after loading the project, and just uses 00:00:00:00. One has to go in turn off Master timecode for Track 4, then turn it on again, and then it seems to render. 
This seems like a pretty major bug and makes rendering these project quite unreliable. As one does not get correct renders until manually resetting the master (even though it's already set to Track 4 in the project and was working fine before closing the project).

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Hi Jim,

There is indeed something that is off when the master timecode is turned on in a playback input source and you restart the compound. I replied to it on the other forum thread you mention.

Warmest regards,

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Glad you found the issue. Hope it can be fixed

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were you able to get this fixed?

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Hi Jim,

We can't give exact dates when we don't have one. Currently, the team is extremely busy trying to bring UE5 support asap and they are always adding requested features. Let's hope it will be implemented soon.

Best regards,

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Hope the tracking data recording workflow can be improved and fixed soon, it is holding everything up for us in a sense.

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Good news - on a first quick test, on 2022.3.0, if no timecode is connected to the recorder, it seems to now to no longer render the same frame over and over again.

Here is the working graph:
