Timecode wrong upon starting Aximmetry in playback mode


1) Have timecode connected on Blackmagic SDI input and use that SDI as input for tracked camera 4

2) Save a project mixed compound 3x3, set active camera to 4, ensure that SDI from 1 is input for camera 4.

3) Set Input 4 as timecode master

3) Pick a clip with timecode for trk input playback

4) Activate playback mode for PLAYBACK under PLAYBACK

5) Save the project, close aximmetry

6) reopen aximetry and open the project

7) sequence is in playback for camera 4 as expected (since playback was active when saving)

8) check the master timecode

Expected behavior:  master timecode should reflect the timecode of the playback sequence/video

Actual behavior: master timecode is the live timecode on the SDI Input

If one switches mastertimecode off for Input 4, and then back on, we get the correct master timecode from sequence/video again. So basically the timecode is wrong upon start when in playback mode.


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Hi Jim,

This seems to be related to this thread: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/1889-recorder-never-stops-upon-rendering-with
Let's continue the discussion there.

Warmest regards,

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It’s a separate bug. Upon loading aximmetry and the project, the master time code is not correctly set when play mode was on in the tracked compound.

its 100% reproducible.

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Hi Jim,

In general, you shouldn't rely on the timecode being accurate as soon as you start your project.
You should make a separate button, that will start the recording after you started the project.

Also, please make sure you have the master timecode turned on in the project at only one place. Like, turn it off in Input 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6. This could be very well the reason why switching off and on the master time code enables your intended timecode source.

Warmest regards,

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That’s a bad design isn’t it? If you load a project and it doesn’t go back into the same state as it was? You should remember the state.

There is no overview which nodes have master timecode on, and it could really be anywhere in the compounds right?

The issue described here also is the cause behind one of the two rendering issues (https://my.aximmetry.com/post/1891-sequencer-with-tracked-data-renders-the)

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Hi Jim,

In a post-process software, It is probably a bad design not to remember everything in the previous run.
However, Aximmetry is mainly real-time software. So Aximmetry has to assume that each time you start your compound, you might not be in the same environment. You might have different cameras, trackers, studio, lighting, controllers... And so Aximmetry has to initialize all these again each time you start your compound. And Aximmetry can not just load the state from the previous run and hope it will fit with your current setup.

However, we found a small issue related to the System Params module and Timecode master that might be causing your phenomenon with Mastertime code at the start. We are investigating it.

No overview of which nodes have master timecode On is indeed unfortunate, we added it to our request list to improve on this.

Warmest regards,

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Glad you are able to replicate the issue.

i think the issue is really that the UI does not match up anymore with the state when loading the project. If master Timecode is on for track 4, it should be the master timecode also after reloading the project (not require to flip the switch back and forth).

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Do you know if a fix is coming?
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Hi Jim,

If you meant the issue with the master timecode and System params Timecode. Then we can't give exact dates when we don't have one. Currently, the team is extremely busy trying to bring UE5 support asap and they are always adding requested features. Let's hope it will be implemented soon.

Best regards,

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Thanks for the update.

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@Eifert, in 2022.3.0 when in playback mode for tracked data and scrubbing through the timeline in sequence editor, the live input timecode shows instead of the playback sequence timecode. How can we show the playback sequence timecode during scrubbing in the sequence editor?

When rendering, the correct timecode from the recorded sequence shows as master timecode.

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Hi Jim,

While in playback and setting that Input to Timecode Master, the System Params Master Timecode pin should show you the Playback clip's timecode. Even if you are scrubbing in the Sequence Editor.

Warmest regards,
