Center LThird_* elements


In aximmtery 2020.2.x there is new option which is

"Added Horiz Align and Vert Align properties to all LThird_* elements."

Our problem is when we set Horiz Align and Vert Align  to center we expect that the shape set on the center of screen but we didnt get that result 

Is this correct or It only working with X,Y position?

   ahmed ahmed

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The Align properties have nothing to do with the screen itself. They only designate which edge (or center) of the LThird element is aligned to the X, Y coordinate you provide.

For e.g.
Horiz Align = Center
Vert Align = Bottom
means that the X, Y specifies the location of this point of the LThird:

Horiz Align = Right
Vert Align = Center
means that the X, Y specifies the location of this point of the LThird:

If you want the element to be centered on the screen you have to set Horiz Align = Center and also set X to the center of the screen which is X = 960.

Please also note that this only centers the LThird field itself.
To center the text as well, you can either use Auto Width

or if you want a constant field width then use a centered text format  (on the Text Format module):

