Two different tracking devices.
Is there some way to easily set the second tracker to be at the location of the first tracker? (assuming there is some existing studio offset and that tracked camera 1 was aligned etc.)
Also what about the orientation, how can we easily set the rotation calibration for the second tracker? (we could orient the second tracker the same as first and then align the two coordinate systems)
Hi Jim,
You could use the Delta Cam Transf to offset one of the input's tracking:

However, we suggest you use the tracking software/driver to align the two tracking solutions to the same position or orientation.
Also, it could help a lot if you can detail the situation in more detail. Which two tracking systems do you use, why do they have different orientations, and why it was not possible to set up them in a way to have the same origin (zero) point in the world.
Warmest regards,