Question - Aximmetry Backups for Update


Have any of you updated to Aximmetry 2022.1.0?

I am, thus I am making the backups for all things related, including DE, UE, and in addition, Camera Calibrator data.

I onced created a custom camera compound, so I copy that to a folder of my choice. 

I've noticed that Setup Configuration of DE Composer and Camera Calibrator has a backups option hidden in the Manage Setting, so I tick all of them and save that opts file.

I don't see an option to save my camera calibration file, but I did find a Calibrate X Path file path which dosen't exist. Should I do something with it?

On top of all this, I can't think of anything to backup for UE, is there?

This is my first time updating, I hope nothing is missing...

Edit: Do I need to uninstalled the old version?


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Oh well everything went south when I realized that 2022.1.0 actually update the Camera Calibrator to Basic Calibrator, which doesn't accept my backups opts file, and because I don't know how to backup the software, I have to recreate my calibration file from scratch (luckly I took many screenshots before the update).
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The Manage Settings doesn't back up Calibration files.

However, we took note of this and we will consider adding this in future releases.

You can find the Calibration files at C:\Users\*YOUR USER NAME*\AppData\Roaming\*Aximmetry DE* or *Aximmetry SE*\*YOUR AXIMMETRY'S FOLDER...*\__DeviceSetups\CameraTracking\Cameras
If you installed Aximmetry to the same folder where it was installed before, then the calibration files should be present in your new installation. If you didn't install Aximmetry to the same folder, then you can copy the calibration files from the location above to your new installation's location.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert@Aximmetry,

I knew Manage setting doesn't back up the calibration file. I was backing up the startup configuration, My problem was the backup opts file of startup configuration for Camera Calibrator isn't compatible with Basic Calibrator.

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Hi Barry,

You are right. The Camera Calibrator backup settings are not compatible with the new Basic Calibrator.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Warmest regards,
