Aximmetry steels all Internet speed


Hello everyone

I have downloaded the DE version, and I realized that while the program is running, my internet speed goes down to the minimum (sometimes all is gone). Is there a reason for this? Is there a way to reduce bandwith consuption?

Thank you

Rui Apolinário


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When I run DE, it drops 10 mbps, but when I have tracking it drops 30, which is understandable since tracking uses networks.

I'd also like to know the possible cause of this.

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I have (and i'm not kidding) a drop of 150mbps of download and 100mbps of upload.
Since the program can run offline, the need for this amount of internet drain is not understandable...

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Just a software's hardware usage can drastically limit the network bandwidth, even when the software is not using the network.

For a quick test, you can set the priority of Aximmetry Composer to Below Normal. Open Task Manager (CTRL + SHIFT + ESC), go to Details, find Aximmetry Composer, right-click and Set Priority to Below normal:

This enables windows to prioritize the network connections hardware usage over Aximmetry. And it will likely make your download speed go back to its maximum if Aximmetry's hardware usage caused the drop in internet speed.
Note, this will also make all the other programs prioritize over Aximmetry. So it is likely not a suitable solution in the long term.
Also, if you have an antivirus program on your windows, that can cause increased hardware usage when using network connections.

We suggest scheduling downloads and other tasks some other time (before/after) than rendering with Aximmetry.

If you experience that decreased network speed interferes with live production in Aximmetry, please write back here your situation and use case.

Warmest regards,
