Billboard - Look at camera issue



I have and unreal scene and a ptz tracked camera. Since my set is not very big I want to virtualize my camera and do some flights. If my virtual camera comes from left or right my talent seems like a sticker so I changed the billboard look at camera combobox from Off to Look at camera or Look at camera plane and then my talent disappears like the billboard is in perpendicular to the camera instead of in front of the camera.I realized of that because I can see the casted shadow on the floor. 

Can you tell what I'm doing wrong?

   Sergio Gómez

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Miguel Aguayo

Hi Sergio, This already happened to me, you have to modify the rotation parameters of the billboard, whether or not the Look at camera is activated, this parameter acts independently.

I hope to be helpful

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Sergio Gómez

Hi Miguel,

Thank you very much for your reply. Billboard is now looking at camera, but I'm not able to do the desired flights because soon the talent becomes distorted when camera moves from sidewalks. Do you know if this is a limitation or I'm doing something wrong?

Anyway you were very helpful.

Best regards,

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@Sergio: It’s hard to tell without a sample video, but in general you must consider that the video billboard is still a flat 2D object in 3D space. The video won’t behave the same way as with a physically moving camera. Only way around it would be some kind of volumetric capture, but there currently isn’t any technology available that can do that without severe artifacts, especially in real-time. Maybe in 5 years technology will have advanced enough to accomplish this. 

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Sergio Gómez

Thanks @TwentyStudios for your reply, let me show you my issue to know if it's normal.

You can see my greenscreen for test and my "talent"

I'm not panning or tilting my camera when I do the the flyover, so it's like you see in the picture above

With the virtual camera in front of it's OK:

When It flies to the side it doesn't rotate like the billboard

and finally

You can see that billboard look at camera but image doesn't so it's very distorted.

Is it "normal" or I'm doing something wrong?

 Thanks in advance

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Hi Gómez,

It is normal.
The Lock To Camera is not affected by the Camera VR Path. It always looks at your real-world tracked camera's position.

Even the projection on the billboard is always calculated with the real-world tracked camera's position. That is why you have the distortion in your last screenshot.
In most use cases you want the VR Path to act like that with tracked cameras.

You might want to consider using a VirtualCam compound instead of the TrackedCam. Since your room/green wall is small, you will probably have no use of the tracking coming from your PTZ Camera.
In VirtualCam compounds, setting up the billboards to look at the virtual camera will be much easier.

Warmest regards,

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Sergio Gómez


thank you for your response, it would be nice having a checkbox to activate virtual cam mode ignoring tracking without changing the compound. 

I want both functionalities in the same daily show. 

By the way my final set will be much bigger and the client wants the talent walking some steps and simulate to have a sky or spider cam shots at the same time, so I had to choose tracked compound. 

Best regards, 

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Hi Gómez,

The billboard works differently in Virtual Cam than in Tracked Cam. But we do have a camera compound type that has both Tracked and Virtual Cameras and their billboards for Unreal projects. They are called: MixedCam_Unreal_A-B_Preview_3+3-Cam and MixedCam_Unreal_A-B_Preview_8+8-Cam. I think you will be able to do what your client wants with these compounds.

Warmest regards,

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Sergio Gómez

Hi Eifert,

It's very useful to have both functionalities in the same compound.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,
